How we began...

The Moonshare Cooperative began in September 2007. Its founder members met to pool their enthusiasm and ideas for a new UK Diary that aimed to be a network and resource for the Earth lovers, environmentalists, artists, writers and activists of our UK alternative community. We sent out a call for any artists and writers who would like to contribute, mostly drawn from our own friends, but quickly spreading out into the wider community.

Originally we were to be a Moon Diary and we had the idea of selling 'Moon Shares' to raise the considerable sum needed to print the diary in full colour. These Moon Shares were in fact a loan, which we intended to pay back as soon as we were able. Some of the contributors to the original diary also very generously gave us a voluntary donation towards the printing costs and we valued these contributions enormously and the vote of confidence and support.

In 2013 our aim to be financially sustainable and to pay back the Moonshare loans was realized. We wish to thank everyone who so generously bought 'Moon Shares' and we have celebrated and honoured them in a Moonshare 'Role of Honour'. We would not have got here without their support and faith in us and the diary.

We are now registered as an Industrial Provident Society. All profits from the Earth Pathways Diary will return to the Co-operative for future projects that raise awareness and healing for the Earth. The team has changed over the years, as have our hairstyles and our company name, but our commitment and ethos stay the same - our desire to help inspire a connection to the land.


Honouring the original Moon Share holders

In 2007 when the founder members met to gather and cement their ideas for a new UK Diary, we had a clear vision – but little money between us – to fund this project. We wanted it to be a celebration of the work of UK artists and writers who shared our deep love for this Land and the wish for a sustainable future for all. It was to be more than just a diary.

Originally we were to be a diary that supports working with the rhythms of the moon, along with the rhythms of the seasons. It was to be a networking resource which would inspire the community of people who actively create positive change in their lives for the benefit of this good Earth. While we had friends who as artists and writers would be happy to contribute work for the first edition, we needed a way to gather the funds necessary to print the diary. This was in truth a considerable sum and so the idea formed of creating “Moon Shares”. The Moon Shares were to be a generous loan which we planned to pay back as soon as we could support our own printing cost. A call went out and, over the first five years, the loans from 58 wonderful souls and donations from friends and contributors allowed us to print the Earth Pathways Diary.

The time finally arrived when we had funds to cover our printing costs for the Earth Pathways Diary and enough to repay all Moon Shares. It was a long and eventful journey and we still frequently give thanks to all who have travelled with us. We now also have profits to put towards Seed Funding small projects designed to support the Earth from the continued sales of diaries to our wonderful community.

We wish to thank everyone who so generously bought ‘Moon Shares’. We would not have got here without your support and faith in us and the diary. Your names will be held on a Role of Honour here at the centre of our work to remind us of your unconditional patronage. We cannot thank you enough. So a very BIG THANK YOU to Our Moon Share Holders for your support!