Inviting Artists & Writers to be Contributors to the 2027 Earth Pathways Diary and Wall Calendar
You can consider becoming a contributor to Earth Pathways 2027 for which entries will open at the next Spring Equinox.
The theme is, as always, our shared love of this Earth
You may enter up to 5 creative works that inspire Earth-awareness, positive change, and balance into our lives.
Short prose where you write about your ceremonies, sharing ideas for sustainable living or rewilding, about personal and community celebrations of the Earth, being out in Nature or what you have been doing to connect to the Earth.
Art and photographs and poems that are inspiring creations that engage with the land and the waters... that inspire our love of the Earth and are inspired by the Earth...
- Art
- Photographs
- Poems - up to 20 lines
- Short prose - up to 225 words
The digital entry form process
Please read all the information on this page! It contains guidelines and requirements for sending your work.
Briefly, you should:
- Give each piece of art or writing a title,
- Save the best version [guidelines below] of each piece with the title as the filename of the digital file,
- Complete the Earth Pathways 2026 Artist & Writer Contributor Entry Form
The closing date for entries for Earth Pathways 2026 is Samhain, 31 October 2024.
You should make sure that your work looks and/or reads its best! What you send should already be usable in the publication.
- We need high-resolution images. Keep image files as big as possible or send them at the original size. When emailing images: check what options are available to make sure the files are not being resized.
- The digital files of your artwork/writing must be named with the correct titles of your work – the same as the titles you add to the Entry Form.
- The “Artwork/Images technical guidelines” below should help, and
- you are also welcome to email Lucille with questions.
The digital entry form process
- Complete the Earth Pathways 2026 Artist & Writer Contributor Entry Form including your name/s and contact information, the correct titles of your pieces, your agreement to allow us to publish your work, as well an artist/writer profile for the back of the publication.
- You may upload your work on the entry form. Alternatively, complete the Entry Form and then send digital files of your work
- by email to Lucille, who manages the entries,
- or by using a free service like WeTransfer or Dropbox (if the digital files are too big to attach to an email).
Technical guidelines for Art and Photographs
Have a look at sample pages from past diaries and calendars.
- We are generally looking for a .jpg file which is around 4-8MB, or around A4 size at 300dpi. Feel free to send us images that are bigger than this.
- It’s important that the image is crisp and not blurry (unless that’s part of your artistic composition, of course!)
- Remember that your artwork will not just be printed small on the page, we will also be making the page background out of it, so we want to really be able to see into the image and be able to pick out details.
- When digitising or editing your work, use the highest settings wherever possible, especially when working with .jpg files.
- Scan your artwork if you have the opportunity - it’s almost always the best choice – as this gives a crisp, detailed, well-lit, high-resolution image that will be more likely to do your work justice! Scan at 600-1200dpi or more.
- If you’re photographing your work:
- try to use a good digital camera and avoid using your phone or tablet.
- Take photographs outside under natural light.
- Get as close as you can to the artwork and fill the whole frame – don’t use zoom, especially digital zoom!
- Using a tripod or resting the camera on something still will always give better results, and will allow you to use the lower ISO settings on your camera which will give a much clearer, more detailed picture.
- If you’re unsure about the quality of your digital images and you want to ask for guidance before sending them to us, please don’t hesitate to email Coral, our designer.
- Entering well before the deadline is advised, this will give us time to let you know of any issues with your digital files and give you time to send them again if necessary.
Technical guidelines for poems and prose
Have a look at sample pages from past diaries and calendars.
- Each piece of writing should be saved as a separate file with the title as the filename.
- Please bear in mind the size of a diary/calendar page; there is no point sending us lengthy poems or prose!
- Prose needs to be up to a maximum of 225 words.
- Poems need to be up to a maximum of 20 lines.
- The writer's name should also be in the document.
- Make sure your writing is saved as a text-based format. .doc .docx .txt .odt are all fine.
Why become a contributor?
The Earth Pathways Diary and Wall Calendar are a great way to promote your work while connecting to a network of people living creatively in this land.
- All successful contributors receive either a free diary and/or calendar (depending on which product your work is featured in) for each piece of work we have used, and can buy products at a discounted price for the year in which they have contributed.
- Contributors are asked for a profile to advertise themselves and their contact details. This appears in our A-Z of Contributors at the back of the diary/calendar and also on our showcase website gallery.
- On our showcase website, we also invite successful contributors to showcase up to 5 pieces of work for each year they are published in the diary or calendar. Please email Coral with any questions about this or to send your work to upload to the showcase.
- We offer guest blog spots on our website featuring contributors and we are happy to provide reciprocal links to your websites or other media.
- We often ask a contributor to be a 'Featured Artist' or 'Featured Writer' for our newsletter, where you can share extra work and some information about yourself or your creative process. This gets sent out to our mailing list of over 5000 people, so is great publicity! Have a look at our past newsletters for examples.
- We can also mention any exhibitions, other publications, or other projects you might be involved in on our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter, and in our regular e-newsletter.
- Plus, of course, the profits we generate from the sales of diaries and calendars are ploughed into our hugely successful Seed Fund which funds projects that are working to benefit this Beautiful Earth!
So all in all, it’s fabulous advertising for your work and you get the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing YOU are contributing to brightening someone’s week and helping the Earth at the same time!
Some general points
- We have no restrictions on simultaneous entries and you may send work that is also included in other publications.
- By completing the entry form and sending us your work to us we ask you to confirm that you are happy with the Earth Pathways Contributor Terms and Conditions. Please have a read through this.
- Some of the information requested in the entry form will be used for publication if your artwork or writing is selected. Other information such as contact details will be kept private, and won’t be used for publication or publicity. This is clearly noted in the entry form.
- It is crucial that you keep your contact details up to date – please let us know if your email and/or postal addresses change.
- Any data you send will be kept in accordance with our Privacy Policy (Access Requests and Deletion Requests) and Contributor Terms & Conditions (Data Collection Storage and Usage). We advise you to read these before entering your work.
And so, in closing, if you have ANY queries, worries, or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Lucille directly.